Trying SmartOS

Today, I am going to try something very different. I am going to give TRITON SmartOS a shot. A number of years back, I tried OmniOS and loved it. But I wasn’t ready to move to it or anything. After trying out some of the Solaris zone and SMF stuff, I was hooked. It was really cool tooling to use and felt thought out. Now again, I am going to try again, but with SmartOS....

<span title='2024-03-25 22:32:40 -0700 PDT'>March 25, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min

Hebrew and Greek With asciidoctor-pdf

I was tasked with trying to get both Hebrew and Greek to be readable with Asciidoc, primarily for epub and PDF, but I also wanted to try with HTML too. Both HTML and epub worked great, but I had troubles with getting it to work with PDFs. Installation I’m on OpenBSD, but there are similar steps. In fact, I also did this on Linux and the steps were pretty similar....

<span title='2024-03-13 17:29:34 -0700 PDT'>March 13, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min

i3 Fix Firefox Alerts

Somewhere around Firefox 120/121 I noticed my Firefox notifications were getting messed up. At first I didn’t see them, then I realized they were transparent and would freeze the part of the screen where the notification would appear until it eventually faded away. But It was hard to know when that was, so I would have to reload i3 constantly when I needed to access that part of the screen since I didn’t have any sort of x button to close out....

<span title='2024-02-26 16:30:36 -0800 PST'>February 26, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min

Ploopy Adept Initial Review

The other day, I received my Ploopy Adept in the mail, after having waited since mid-December when I placed my preorder. I have been a trackball user for a few years now, mainly having used the Elecom HUGE and the Kensington Orbit Fusion. The Kensington was awesome, but the angle was a bit too steep for my wrists. The Elecom has been my favorite by far, but the stock bearings caused me a lot of grief with the insane amount of stiction....

<span title='2024-02-19 18:16:13 -0800 PST'>February 19, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min

My Dumb Roasting Script

I roast coffee at home regularly. I haven’t updated my roasting log, I need a more lazy man approach to converting it all nicely. But I still do roast, and I use the neatest, dumb script ever..which I know works on OpenBSD and Linux. And it’s public domain #!/usr/bin/env sh COFFEEDIR="$HOME/Documents/coffeeroasts" echo "Coffee country of origin?"; read origin mkdir -p "$COFFEEDIR/$origin" filecount=$(ls "$COFFEEDIR/$origin" | wc -l | xargs) start_timer() { terms="xterm konsole gnome-terminal xfce4-terminal mate-terminal rxvt urxvt xterm-256color" if [ $(command -v xterm) ]; then xterm -e sh ....

<span title='2024-02-05 19:32:14 -0800 PST'>February 5, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min