Intro to SSH Certificates

Like many of us, I have been using SSH since the beginning of learning how to learn Linux, or some other UNIX-like OS. My usage has moved from password logins, to SSH keys, and now I have picked up on SSH certificates. This is an introduction to using SSH certificates with OpenSSH. Before I get to my pros/cons, what the heck are SSH certificates? Think of getting an SSL/TLS certificate....

<span title='2024-02-05 19:25:00 -0800 PST'>February 5, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;11 min

Device Busy

Once a week I pop out the microSD card on my church’s recorder and get the sermon uploaded. I do this on OpenBSD, and also mount/umount the microSD card via the command line. On another note, I use the SSH ControlMaster feature when logging into my servers. Why is this related? You’ll see. The other day I mounted the microSD card doas mount /dev/sd3i /mnt/usb Then cd’d to that directory to copy out the music file....

<span title='2024-02-05 15:08:57 -0800 PST'>February 5, 2024</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;2 min

How I Backup My Openbsd Desktop

It’s not often I backup and restore my desktop, but I do like having good backups for my desktop computer, especially since I rely on it for work. I use OpenBSD for my desktop operating system. I’ve been running -current since May 2022. 99.9% of the time it has been very good to me with no headache. Every now and then though I run into an issue, and it is something I can work around and maybe even just wait a day and sysupgrade....

<span title='2023-10-25 23:40:00 -0700 PDT'>October 25, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;5 min

Creating FreeBSD Thick Jails

In an older blog post I focused on creating FreeBSD base jails with VNET on ZFS. Today, I want to do the same thing with Thick jails, since I have some use cases where base jails don’t quite do what I want to do in terms of management. Thick Jail? A thick jail in creation is basically half the steps of a base jail. It is a jail with its own complete userspace, no nullfs mounts and the sort....

<span title='2023-09-01 21:06:11 -0700 PDT'>September 1, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min

My Matrix Server Migration

I have been paying to host my Matrix synapse server for 2.5 years now. It has been one of my favorite projects to host because I have found a great communities this way and have been able to learn a lot being on Matrix. The problem for me though is, the synapse server is a bit of a resource hog, and has grown to be expensive. Synapse Synapse is the current Matrix server, in addition to dendrite which has been a gradual work in progress....

<span title='2023-08-15 00:20:00 -0700 PDT'>August 15, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;11 min