Courtnix Blog

OpenBSD 7.5 on SmartOS

I use OpenBSD a lot. I have 14 jails/VMs right now and 5 of them are OpenBSD. As a part of wanting to move to SmartOS, one of my requirements is that I get OpenBSD running on SmartOS. Since there is no image, I made it my own way following the Virtual Machine from Scratch docs on the SmartOS wiki.

It makes it easy with OpenBSD 7.5 supporting EFI boot for the .iso images. I started with using this manifest:

    "brand": "bhyve",
    "alias": "OpenBSD75",
    "autoboot": false,
    "hostname": "obsd",
    "resolvers": [
    "ram": 1024,
    "vcpus": 2,
    "device": null,
    "nics": [
            "interface": "vio0",
            "model": "virtio",
            "nic_tag": "admin",
            "ip": "dhcp",
            "primary": true

    "disks": [
            "boot": true,
            "model": "virtio",
            "size": 16384
            "model": "virtio",
            "media": "disk",
            "path": "/install75.iso",
            "size": "654",
            "nocreate": true
    "bootrom": "uefi",
    "bhyve_extra_opts": "-w"