Courtnix Blog

FreeBSD Backups with Zap

A while back I tried to develop a script to handle ZFS backups from my server to my external hard drive. Well, in the end I really didn’t like what I came up with and thought it best to look at sysutils/zap to do my backups. The tool has worked great for me and reliably does snapshots and sends them to my destination. I have ran into some issues though. Maybe this will come by the developer or maybe I can learn to make the improvements I would like to see…​or maybe there’s something better! But, I’d rather improve this tool than redo backups if it came down to it.

My Backup Process

I have a 3-2-1 process of doing backups

3 copies of data 2 on different media 1 offsite

I won’t go through any of the setting up because the GitHub repository and a blog linked in the developer’s website is plenty sufficient to get started.

With it set up, I rotate my drive out every month. Since this is just me and my family, I don’t have a more rapid rotation schedule. I have a cron job that will daily take a snapshot that has a TTL of 6 weeks, and once a month takes a snapshot with a 3 month TTL.

#!/usr/bin/env sh

zpool import backups
/usr/local/bin/zap rep -Fv
/usr/local/bin/zap destroy
zpool export backups
camcontrol standby da0

This imports the zpool, does the replication, deletes old snapshots, exports, and lastly does a standby on the drive so it powers down until next time.

A Problem with Rotations

Not too long ago, I found there was an issue with drive rotation. Namely, there is an order to how to get the drive rotated in up to date. If I just plugged in my drive and did a zap rep, I would not get everything to sync or get errors. That is because there is a mismatch in snapshots between the source and destination. So, I found the best method is to

  1. import the zpool

  2. run zap destroy to delete old snapshots on the backup drive

  3. run zap rep -Fv to get everything up to date

The other way around does not work as you would expect.

Lazy Roation?

Just last night I came across an issue where I had everything automated and "set and forget" my backups for a couple months.

Bad idea by the way

I found out 2 datasets were not syncing. Somehow I missed them somewhere and I had all my ZAP snapshots get destroyed, likely due to no new ones getting sent over somehow and then getting destroyed because they expired.

With that incident, I was not getting any new ZAP snapshots syncing to my external hard drive. I wish I had the exact message, but the issue was that there was an older snapshot on my external drive that wasn’t taken by ZAP, and thus it would not send a snapshot.

My solution then was to delete all snapshots on the destination for that ZFS dataset, then zfs send data/my/snapshot@ZAP_oldest_one | zfs receive backups and follow that with a zap rep -Fv which would sync from my oldest ZAP snapshot to my newest one. I did that for the 2 datasets I had with this issue and backups were properly underway.